时间:2025-01-30 15:49:06 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Yes, we are all very excited about the upcoming release of Beauty and the Beast.All of the promos, t
Yes, we are all very excited about the upcoming release of Beauty and the Beast.
All of the promos, trailers and clips only confirm how magical this movie is going to be. The following video does just more of the same. Emma Watson looks absolutely ravishing in that iconic yellow gown, the Beast's character transformation is so eloquently portray--
SEE ALSO:The reviews are in and 'Beauty and the Beast' is exactly what you'd expect, apparentlyWait, is that not Emma Watson?
Oh, we see now. It's actually Doug the Pug in a Beauty and the Beast spoof. But really, it's just so well done that we almost couldn't see the difference. I mean, that pug got Emma Watson exactly right.
There are still several days until March 17. Plenty of time to watch Beauty and the Puga couple more times to get in the spirit of things.
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