时间:2025-03-01 00:41:18 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
It's time to switch up that overused dog lens for something more festive this weekend.Snapchat's giv
It's time to switch up that overused dog lens for something more festive this weekend.
Snapchat's given Mashablea preview of some of its holiday lenses -- its facial-recognition overlays -- that are set to roll out from now until Christmas.
SEE ALSO:Ghost world: How Snapchat killed it in 2016These include lenses to turn you into a reindeer, an angel, and a festive version of its usual flower crown filter.
The company is also rolling out branded versions. The Hollister turns you into Rudolph, Nordstrom has a snow globe, and Bloomingdale's sends Santa and his sleigh running around your head.
Via GiphyVia GiphyVia GiphyAdditionally, the app's also added a Snapchat filter "game":
Happy Snapping this holiday!
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