时间:2025-03-07 11:29:36 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
LONDON -- Chance the Rapper is no stranger to the White House. In fact, he's been there three times
LONDON -- Chance the Rapper is no stranger to the White House. In fact, he's been there three times alone in the past year.
SEE ALSO:President Obama's daughter mercilessly trolled him on SnapchatDuring the 94th annual lighting of the National Christmas Tree, Chance performed the track "Sunday Candy"-- much to the delight of one member of the audience in particular.
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Sasha Obama lip-synced to the song from the audience, where she was sitting with her parents. And, she appeared to know every. single. lyric.
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President Obama has cited Chance as one of his favourite rappers, along with Kendrick Lamar and Jay Z. But Chance's connection to the Obama family actually goes way back.
"Chance, I’ve known for years ’cause his dad was my state director when I was a senator in Illinois. I first met Chance when he was eight years old," Obama told Sway in the Morningon Shade 45 Radio.
Looks like Chance has another big fan in the White House now!
TopicsMusicBarack Obama
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