时间:2025-03-07 10:44:30 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Did I just see something move?Tooling around YouTube -- for work purposes, I'm sure -- I noticed a l
Did I just see something move?
Tooling around YouTube -- for work purposes, I'm sure -- I noticed a little flash of motion in the right-hand column, that vertical stack of thumbnail images from the "up next" videos that the algorithm chooses for us.。
SEE ALSO:New YouTube feature lets fans 'tip' creators during live streams。SEE ALSO:New YouTube feature lets fans 'tip' creators during live streams 。A few minutes later, as I went scrolling through the column, and ..。it happened again。
! The "up next" videos' display images moved in short loops -- just like a GIF. 。
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Apparently, not everyone's seeing it yet -- right now this tiny tweak to the interface is just an experiment that's only out to a few select users.。
We asked YouTube what the deal was, and they played it coy:。
Our feedback, for the record: Cool! Go for it. 。
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