时间:2025-03-07 11:13:37 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Richard Hammond has shared an online post confirming the recent rumours that he'd been involved in a
Richard Hammond has shared an online post confirming the recent rumours that he'd been involved in a crash while filming for an episode of The Grand Tour.
SEE ALSO:Jeremy Clarkson and James May reveal the only 3 things they agree onHammond posted on DriveTribe, the online motoring community he launched with his co-stars last year, to reassure people that he's OK.
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"It's true, I did fall off a motorbike whilst filming recently for The Grand Tour in Mozambique. I banged my head, yes, along with pretty much everything else apart from my left thumb, which remains un-bruised. Can't tell you more yet about the how and why of it; that's all for later in the year on the show. As for injuries; well put it this way, I don't think I can get a book out of it."
Hammond was badly injured in a car crash back in 2006 while filming or an episode of Top Gear.
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