时间:2025-03-07 10:33:03 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Only hours after declaring she was quitting Twitter, Roseanne Barr is back.The now disgraced actress
Only hours after declaring she was quitting Twitter, Roseanne Barr is back.
The now disgraced actress had the reboot and re-runs of her namesake show cancelled after a racist tweet regarding Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett.
SEE ALSO:Dictonary.com just came for Roseanne Barr and her racist commentsOn Tuesday night, she tweeted again, apologizing for the "hundreds of people ... who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet."
Barr also revealed she would appear on Joe Rogan's podcast on Friday.
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Barr also apologized to Jarrett in a later tweet, with the actress "very sorry" about the hurt caused.
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At the same time, Barr also released a statement to BuzzFeed on Tuesday night regarding her comments, which echoed her recent tweets.
"I deeply regret my comments from late last night on Twitter. Above all, I want to apologize to Valerie Jarrett, as well as to ABC and the cast and crew of the Roseanneshow. I am sorry for making a thoughtless jokes that does not reflect my values -- I love all people and am very sorry," she wrote.
"I apologize from the bottom of my heart and hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me."
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Despite her contrite comments, Barr's Twitter profile simultaneously shows retweets of users who support her, and well, the content speaks for itself.
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In another tweet, Barr asked people to not defend her, even though it was "sweet" of them to try, and claimed she was on Ambien (sleeping medication) at the time of the incident.
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