时间:2025-03-07 10:33:38 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Anyone with a cat can tell you that although their cat's claws are impressive scratching and hunting
Anyone with a cat can tell you that although their cat's claws are impressive scratching and hunting tools, they can also make them look like complete idiots.
Their little knife hands can accidentally get caught on anything soft, forcing them to do this awkward dance as they attempt to un-stab whatever they caught.
Well, this little awkward Japanese cat, named Milk-chan, got herself caught in a very awkward situation.
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The poor cat got one of her paws stuck on on her beloved cat tree and another on the bed, causing her to be stuck in an incredibly hilarious situation.
Milk-chan's human, aktfps on Twitter shared the photo on Saturday, which has since racked up over 140,00 retweets and has received some even funnier Photoshops of the poor feline.
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Don't worry though, the cat was only stuck for a moment and has since returned to looking like a normal cat.
[h/t: Rocket News]
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