时间:2025-03-07 11:30:06 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
No matter how many times people make a Batman movie, there are some elements that no one can elimina
No matter how many times people make a Batman movie, there are some elements that no one can eliminate from the Dark Knight's story. The cowl. The cape. The Bat-Signal. And the Batmobile.
Director Matt Reeves teased fans with a quick glimpse of Robert Pattinson wearing the new Batsuit in early February, and now he's added to the hype by tweeting three images of Bat-inson's iconic car.
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This Batmobile, with its curvy front and powerful-looking exposed engine in the back, is sleeker than the chunky, tactical Batmobiles seen in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy and the DCEU'sBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It's at least half a return to the famously modified 1955 Lincoln Futura from the 1960s BatmanTV show, with a bit of extra oomph when she turns around and shows the glowing red Bat-side.
The Batmancomes out June 25, 2021, so there's plenty of time for Reeves to reveal more about his interpretation of Batman's legend, which includes Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman, Paul Dano as The Riddler, Colin Farrell as The Penguin, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth, and Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon. Stay tuned for more updates at an undetermined Bat-time on the same Bat-channel.
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