时间:2025-03-07 11:24:43 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
For every artist who thinks their mixtape is fire, there's an audio engineer sitting behind the boot
For every artist who thinks their mixtape is fire, there's an audio engineer sitting behind the booth with their head in their hands.
Sometimes they're trying out a "totally new and original" sound. Maybe they're just riffing absolute nonsense before the track officially starts. Either way, we can all agree that engineers put up with lot in the name of artistic genius.
Caitie Delaney, a writer on a little show called Rick and Morty, posted a series of videos on Twitter showing that the engineering struggle is real.
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Delaney uses the audio from Fat Joe's "What's Luv?" exasperatedly mouthing "It's on!" and "Yes!" when he says "Put the fuckin' mic on."
Her follow up videos include digs at everyone from Eminem, to Chief Keef, Jay-Z, and Kanye West.
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I'm sorry you wanted moresnare? Louder sound? Should've asked before we started recording.
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Delaney doesn't have audio experience, but she does like to imagine how it feels on the other side of the glass. "I don't have any experience with engineering, no" she told Mashable, "—truly just every time I hear that Fat Joe song I imagine who was on the other end of 'turn the fuckin' mic on.' [It's] so aggressive and so funny to me."
Actual sound technicians piped in that her portrayal of the long-suffering engineer was pretty spot-on.
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Delaney just hopes that "y'all like my tweets about anxiety as much as tweets about audio engineers."
But it's a good reminder for all you musicians out there — respect the sound techs! They hold the fate of your sound in their hands.
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