时间:2025-01-18 15:50:10 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
A Louisiana woman was standing at a red light when three white men pulled up in a truck. "Fuck your
A Louisiana woman was standing at a red light when three white men pulled up in a truck.
"Fuck your black life!" one of them yelled at her. As they drove away, laughing, one of them chanted "Trump!"
Such is just one of many reported incidents of hate compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) following the election of Donald Trump.
SEE ALSO:Donald Trump's press-dodging should freak you out, and this is whyIn the 10 days since the election on Nov. 8, the SPLC tallied 867 "hate incidents" compiled through media accounts or reported to them directly. They include real life events but not online harassment.
The incidents have been reported across the country, from schools, homes, offices and on public transport among other places. There were 99 in California to 30 in Virginia during that time.
In the ten days following Donald Trump’s victory (Nov 9-19), we’ve confirmed 867 incidents of harassment, intimidation and even violence pic.twitter.com/4KXG6LNCzi
— SPLC (@splcenter) November 29, 2016
Hate has been directed at immigrants, black people, Muslims, Jewish people, LGBT people, and other minority groups, and attackers have often invoked Trump's name during their assaults.
The day after the election, Nov. 9, saw the highest number of hate incidents, at 202, and that number has mostly declined since.
But another Trump-fueled spike would be far from unprecedented. There's already evidence, for example, that his anti-Muslim rhetoric contributes to increased number of hate incidents.
TopicsDonald TrumpElections
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