时间:2025-01-18 17:59:35 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Even in romance, timing is everything.Eric Myers, who lives in London, posted footage of his proposa
Even in romance, timing is everything.
Eric Myers, who lives in London, posted footage of his proposal to now-fiancée Adi Alfa on Twitter and the response has been pretty much a collective "awww."
SEE ALSO:Emotional marriage proposal during The National gig will make your heart swellJust one strange detail ... Myers proposed during the middle of his sister's graduation party — right after their dad gave a speech in her honor.
Talk about stolen thunder.
Tweet may have been deleted
According to BuzzFeed, Myers's sister has "not forgiven" him for the spotlight-stealing incident. (We assume she's mostly kidding, but only mostly. Sibling rivalry is real, y'all.)
We don't blame her. Graduating is a big deal, and it deserves a party all its own.
Of course, it can be hard to get an entire family in the same place for big events. If they're all there anyway, it's understandable you'd want to fit in as many momentous occasions as possible.
Still, we definitely encourage Myers' sister to get engaged in the middle of his upcoming wedding. It's only fair.
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