时间:2025-01-18 14:38:22 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Frank Loesser's 1944 Christmas song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" tends to creep listeners out with its
Frank Loesser's 1944 Christmas song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" tends to creep listeners out with its sexually charged call-and-response lyrics, and a distinct lack of consent from the song's female perspective.
With this in mind, a Minnesota couple reworked the lyrics of the winter classic to emphasize sexual consent in a fresh, funny way.
SEE ALSO:Meet the female Instagram artists reclaiming the memeLydia Liza and Josiah Lemanski tell CNN they penned the new lyrics over the course of an hour, and recorded the song on Wednesday in just 15 minutes. Since posting on Soundcloud, the couple has racked up more than 228,000 plays.
Though the reworked lyrics keep the song relatively light -- "What's in this drink?/Pomegranate La Croix" -- Liza says they've also received feedback from those who've said they'd never considered the song's insidious message.
"I hope it will be on people's minds and that people will donate to charity or do some volunteer work at shelters or sexual assault centers," she told CNN. "Like, if you think about this and you think it's a problem, definitely step out of your comfort zone and do something and help someone."
Hear the couple's reworked cover here:
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