时间:2025-03-18 12:09:55 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
For people who despise early hours, sometimes the sight of a fresh cup of coffee can be as exciting
For people who despise early hours, sometimes the sight of a fresh cup of coffee can be as exciting (if not more) as seeing the breathtaking Northern Lights.
With this new heat-changing coffee mug, you can enjoy your hot beverages and see the Aurora Borealis at the same time -- sort of.
SEE ALSO:Adventurous surfers take on Arctic waves under Northern LightsWhen filled with hot liquid, ThinkGeek's special heat-changing mug will reveal a magnificent image of the Northern Lights.
When un-heated, the mug displays the landscape seen in the first image above.
As the website states, "Much as caffeine particles pass into our bloodstream and make us bounce off walls, so, too, the particles from solar winds pass through the Earth's magnetosphere near the poles and share energy, causing a spectacular display in the upper atmosphere."
Seems as though the light show and the caffeine jolt are a match made in heaven.
The Aurora Borealis Heat Change Mug is available for purchase on ThinkGeek for $14.99.
[H/T My Modern Met]
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