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时间:2025-03-07 10:41:03 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Prepare yourself for less celebrity gossip on Wikipedia.。Editors for the site (who are all volunteer
Prepare yourself for less celebrity gossip on Wikipedia. 。
Editors for the site (who are all volunteers) voted Wednesday to almost entirely ban the British tabloid newspaper the。Daily Mail 。as a source, calling the publication "generally unreliable." 。
SEE ALSO:Early newspaper editions could not keep up with that legendary Super Bowl ending。The。 Daily Mail 。's reliability has been a point of contention on the user-edited encyclopedia site since 2015 if not earlier. But discussion about its efficacy as a source was revived in early January when one user led the campaign against the 。 Daily Mail。Daily Mail 。
Editor Hillbillyholiday argued during a discussion that the outlet is untrustworthy for science-related stories, inappropriately posts photos of children and has limited credibility even with direct quotes and interviews.。 Those opposed could not support a blanket banning but agreed on a comprise: to use the。Those opposed could not support a blanket banning but agreed on a comprise: to use the。
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Daily Mail。
, as hated as it is, is a very mixed bag. It can contain wonderful information such as accurate and informative interviews with highly respected people."。 The Daily Mail was dragged through the mud on a Wikipedia discussion about its reliability.Credit: Steve Meddle/REX/Shutterstock。 Ultimately, though, the news outlet has been effectively banned as a source, due to its "reputation for poor fact checking, sensationalism, and flat-out fabrication."。
The Wikimedia Foundation, who runs the main Wiki site, pointed out that the outlet isn't fully banned -- its use as a reference is just "generally prohibited, especially when other more reliable sources exist.” But the key takeaway is that the 。 Daily Mail。Daily Mail 。
is no longer a go-to reliable source for citing something on a page.。 The ruling does not mean the。Mail。 can never be used as a source, but editors are being encouraged to change information that cites the publication to a different source. 。 The 。 Mail 。joins the 。 National Enquirer 。among the few outlets that Wikipedia has called out in particular.。
The Sun 。
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