时间:2025-03-07 10:14:35 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
It's been a little while since J.K. Rowling took a shot at the President on Twitter.Maybe she felt a
It's been a little while since J.K. Rowling took a shot at the President on Twitter.
Maybe she felt as though she'd temporarily exhausted her supply of Trump-sults, or maybe she was just focussing on her latest book.
Either way, the hiatus appears to be over.
SEE ALSO:14 times J.K. Rowling absolutely annihilated Donald Trump on TwitterThis time it all started with a tweet shared on Wednesday that drew attention to Trump's undeniably huge signature.
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It wasn't long before Rowling weighed in with her own thoughts.
Tweet may have been deleted
Here's a close up of the screengrab she shared, which is taken from a website that focusses on the study of handwriting:
"An arrogant person, conceited, haughty, who needs to exhibit compliments and recognitions, tyrant tendencies, exhibitionist and phony personality that may become megalomaniac with lack of critical sense."
TopicsJK RowlingDonald TrumpCelebrities
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