时间:2025-02-28 20:20:33 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Lordy.James Comey never really went away after he was fired by President Donald Trump in May 2017, h
James Comey never really went away after he was fired by President Donald Trump in May 2017, hanging around like a ghost who feels obligated to chime in every once in a while.
SEE ALSO:The Nunes memo was just released, and of course the website crashedThe former FBI director weighed in on Friday when the House Intelligence Committee released the memo put together by committee chairman Devin Nunes -- a memo that was supposed to blow the cover off of some serious deep state conspiracies about the FBI but, rather, landed with a thud and may have undermined criticism of Robert Mueller's probe into connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.
TL:DR, Comey ain't buying it.
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The FBI itself has expressed "grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”
Meanwhile, Comey hasn't exactly shied away from criticizing Trump since he was fired, so this feud isn't a new thing.
But while Trump's ongoing criticism of the FBI has threatened to undermine the credibility of the agency, it's not like Comey is exactly innocent here; his controversial decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails at the end of the 2016 campaign is thought by some to have helped swing the election for Trump.
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