时间:2025-03-07 11:07:10 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Sony's "PlayStation Neo," the company's 4K- and HDR-ready companion console, now has an official nam
Sony's "PlayStation Neo," the company's 4K- and HDR-ready companion console, now has an official name: the PlayStation 4 Pro.
At a press conference in New York on Wednesday, Sony highlighted how the console could fully take advantage of 4K televisions by showing highly detailed scenes, all rendered in game engines. The PS4 Pro will be released on Nov. 10 for $399, $100 more than the new slimmer PS4 model.
SEE ALSO:The PlayStation 4 gets a slimmer, sleaker redesignPlayStation 4 Lead Architect Mark Cerny said the PS4 Pro wold have an upgraded CPU and boosted clock rate, though he did not give specific numbers. With better hardware, games will load faster and look better even if you don't have a 4K television.
The PS4 Pro detects what kind of display you hook it up to and games can adjust to give players the best-looking experience possible. Patches will be available for older PS4 titles to take advantage of this dynamic feature.
Sony has asked developers and publishing partners to figure out how their titles can work on both 4K and HD TVs, otherwise they will look the same on both.
Not only does the PS4 Pro give games a visual upgrade, it can make videos look better with the ability to play 4K movies, TV shows and YouTube videos. Sony Interactive Entertainment President Andrew House said a new Netflix app will be available with 500 hours of 4K content by the end of the year and YouTube is developing an app specifically for the PS4 Pro.
Sony announced the console (previously codenamed "Neo") just before E3 of this year, months after its existence was widely reported by gaming site Kotaku, sourced from a Financial Timesinterview. There, House confirmed the Pro's existence. While the article was light on the technical specs, even then Sony was clear to paint the console as a companion to the regular PS4, not its replacement.
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