时间:2025-03-07 11:24:09 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
New day, new week, new Wordle! As always, we're here with some tips and tricks to help you figure ou
New day, new week, new Wordle! As always, we're here with some tips and tricks to help you figure out the solution.
If you just want to be told the answer, you can jump to the end of this article for July 24's Wordlesolution revealed. But if you want to solve it yourself, keep reading for some clues, tips, and strategies to assist you.
Originally created by engineer Josh Wardle as a gift for his partner, Wordlerapidly spread to become an international phenomenon, with thousands of people around the globe playing every day. Alternate Wordle versions created by fans also sprang up, including battle royale Squabble, music identification game Heardle, and variations like Dordleand Quordlethat make you guess multiple words at once.
Wordleeventually became so popular that it was purchased by the New York Times, and TikTok creators even livestream themselves playing.
Not the day you're after? Here's the Wordleanswer for July 23.
The best Wordle starting word is the one that speaks to you. But if you like being strategic in your approach, we have a few ideas to help you pick a word that might help you find the solution faster. One tip is to select a word that includes at least two different vowels, plus some common consonants like S, T, R, or N.
The entire archive of past Wordle puzzles used to be available for anyone to enjoy whenever they felt like it. Unfortunately, it has since been taken down, with the website's creator stating it was done at the request of the New York Times.
It might feel like Wordle is getting harder, but it actually isn't any more difficult than when it first began. You can turn on Wordle's Hard Mode if you're after more of a challenge, though.
Though usually Wordlewill only accept one correct solution per day, occasionally it will rebel against the norm and deem two different answers acceptable. This is due to changes the New York Timesmade to Wordleafter it acquired the puzzle game.
The Timeshas since added its own updated word list, so this should happen even less frequently than before. To avoid any confusion, it's a good idea to refresh your browser before getting stuck into a new puzzle.
It's a type of horse... sort of.
It does! And they're neighbors.
Today's Wordlestarts with the letter H.
SEE ALSO:Wordle-obsessed? These are the best word games to play IRL.Get your last guesses in now, because it's your final chance to solve today's Wordlebefore we reveal the solution.
Drumroll please!
The solution to Wordle #765 is...
Don't feel disheartened if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be a new Wordlefor you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.
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