时间:2025-03-09 22:53:21 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
What's missing from 360-degree videos? Only one thing. Snoop Dogg.Think about it: Wouldn't you want
What's missing from 360-degree videos? Only one thing. Snoop Dogg.
Think about it: Wouldn't you want that friendly face next to you every time you turn around in your virtual reality headset? Now, YouTube has made it possible with SnoopaVision.
Only by "now" we mean 7/27/2043 (that's the official launch date) and by "possible" we mean it's an April Fools' prank.
It's simple: Click on the little Snoop Dogg icon underneath a YouTube video, and you go into 360-degree mode, with Snoop sitting somewhere around you. Silently watching. Not weird at all.
As a Googleperson put it in the video (below): "Finally you can combine 360 immersive viewing with the pioneering, West Coast, G-Funk hip hop."
Amen to that.
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