时间:2025-03-07 10:11:56 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Can't get enough of Wordle? Try Mashable's free version nowLet's face it: Monday isn't everyone's fa
Let's face it: Monday isn't everyone's favorite day of the week. But at least there's a new Wordleto make it a little brighter — so here's everything you need to keep that streak alive with today's Wordle, puzzle #338.
If you haven't found today's answer yet, we're not spoiling it... yet. But you can find it down the bottom of this post (scroll carefully to avoid the clearly marked spoilers). If you just want a few clues to help you get the answer, keep reading for some background, tips and strategies we've reported on here at Mashable.
Some background: Wordlewas originally created by former Reddit engineer Josh Wardle and went super-viral in late 2021, becoming a daily habit for thousands of players around the globe. The game was bought by the New York Timesearlier this year for a very big number of dollars, and is now run by the paper's puzzles and games team.
Are you haunted by the feeling that the Timesis making Wordleharder? I'm afraid, my tinfoil-hatted friend, it isn't. If anything, it's easier, as the Timesteam has regularly been cutting obscure words from the original list. But you can always switch Wordle to Hard Mode for an extra challenge.
Not the day you're after? Here's the Wordleanswer for May 22.
Wordle's simple, addictive format has inspired plenty of knock-offs, but also an endless stream of fun clones and variations, such as the battle royale format Squabble, music identification game Heardle, and combo styles like Dordleand Quordlethat have you trying to guess multiple words at once.
We have plenty of ideas that can help if your go-to starter isn't cutting it any more. If you want to load up on the absolute top most common letters in English, ETAOIN are the ones to look for; try something with several of those letter plus at least two vowels, like PIANO, TONER, or NAIVE.
Time travel is real! The whole archive of past Wordle puzzlesis available to play right nowif you want to get some extra practice in.
Half the fun of Wordleis that everyone gets the same word to guess every day — but occasionally two different answers can both be correct. This is due to changes the New York Timesmade after acquiring the game. As we've reported already, as recently as two weeks ago a word was swapped out because it was unexpectedly topical. Make sure you refresh your browser before you play each day.
Today's word is also the name of a popular app.
The letter H!
Today’s answer is…
Check back for more hints and tips tomorrow!
Reporting by Amanda Yeo, Caitlin Welsh and Adam Rosenberg contributed to this article.
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