时间:2025-01-18 20:31:51 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
As Halloween approaches, it's time to test our DIY skills on our pets.。 Reddit user Mapolonio shared
As Halloween approaches, it's time to test our DIY skills on our pets.。
Reddit user Mapolonio shared this photo of a cat named Potato dressed as a fuzzy Ewok. The costume was handmade by the photographer's girlfriend, who used what appeared to be a teddy bear with the stuffing removed and face cut out, fit for only the most patient kitty.。
Thanks for signing up!。 Based on his expression, we'll guess that Potato isn't a。Star Wars。
fan.。SEE ALSO:Dude made tiny, kitten-sized pancakes for his tiny kitten 。
BONUS: Adorable Kittens Recreate Classic Horror Films 。
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