时间:2025-01-18 18:45:43 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Sweethearts on a movie date, parents potty-training their toddlers and candy lovers everywhere are r
Sweethearts on a movie date, parents potty-training their toddlers and candy lovers everywhere are rejoicing.
Starting May 2017, M&Ms will begin selling caramel-filled M&M candies nationwide, the company revealed in a press release.
SEE ALSO:Top 20 worst Halloween candies we need to stop giving outM&M is no stranger to innovation and in the past has introduced varieties including pretzel, crispy (so popular it made a comeback after a limited time run) and coffee nut.
The candy's core will be smooth and soft, which is a departure from previous fillings. Hank Izzo, vice president of research and development of parent company Mars Chocolate, tells CNN, "It was a big technological challenge for us [...] we had to figure out how to not make the chocolate too sticky or too soft that it could collapse."
Caramel is not only a childhood favorite, Izzo says it's trendy, growing and shows no sign of losing popularity.
Certainly by the way fans are reacting, he seems to be onto something.
//everyone: Sombras gonna drop soon
— Overwatch Grunt (@overwatch_grunt) October 18, 2016
woke up to the best news of my life, they're coming out with M&M's filled with caramel next year
— jeans (@jeannettsy) October 18, 2016
God is good
caramel filled m&m's? pic.twitter.com/AkJoJaZTqD
— Lauren (@ljohnson2006) October 18, 2016
If you have braces, sorry. The rest of us promise to indulge in your honor.
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