时间:2024-11-22 04:06:52 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Today's hopefully unnecessary PSA: do not answer the door for an alligator.Police in Sarasota County
Today's hopefully unnecessary PSA: do not answer the door for an alligator.
Police in Sarasota County, Florida, shared photos Wednesday of a rogue alligator that, while wandering a neighborhood, trudged right up to the front door of a house. It later tried its luck at the garage door, too, but no one let it in. Imagine!
SEE ALSO:Fisherman finds a terrifying surprise at the end of his lineWe do not think it was invited. Perhaps it had the wrong address.
"Let this be a reminder that not all reptiles show courtesy during mating season. Stay safe out there, Floridians," the post from the sheriff's office read.
While non-Floridian commenters were largely horrified, others -- including Florida residents -- didn't seem too surprised by the photos. "I'd rather open my door and see this out as opposed to a [water moccasin]!" one commenter wrote.
Still, if this gator was going to stop by uninvited, it could have at least brought flowers.
[H/T: UPI]
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