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时间:2025-03-07 11:27:35 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
After an extended waiting period, a Pagan priest finally snagged the go-ahead to wear goat horns in
After an extended waiting period, a Pagan priest finally snagged the go-ahead to wear goat horns in his new Maine license photo. 。
As Phelan MoonSong tells the 。 Washington Post 。, the ordained priest rarely removes his horns, as they serve as spiritual antennae and are part of his Pagan attire.。
SEE ALSO:Why Trump's presidency will require absolutely all your courage 。Still, when MoonSong visited the Department of Motor Vehicles in August, he says an employee told him he'd need to appeal his photo with the Maine Secretary of State's office. This, despite the fact that his horns do not obstruct his face.。
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According to the Associated Press, though MoonSong learned his photo was initially rejected in November, his request has since been accepted.。 MoonSong told the。Bangor Daily News。
that during his initial visit to the DMV, he told an employee that he is an ordained Pagan minister. However, a Maine Secretary of State's office spokesperson told the local newspaper that MoonSong did not initially cite the horns' religious significance.。
"He did not cite religious reasons," she told the paper. "There are exceptions for religious headdress." 。
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