时间:2025-01-18 18:50:03 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Drake joined Fortnitestreamer Ninja once again, but this time he upped the ante. SEE ALSO:'Fortnite'
Drake joined Fortnitestreamer Ninja once again, but this time he upped the ante.
SEE ALSO:'Fortnite' contest gives fans a chance to get their favorite dance into the gameOn Tuesday, Drake played a duos live stream of Fortnitewith Twitch streamer Ninja. He played under his handle TheBoyDuddus. During their game, Drake promised Ninja a $5,000 donation if he won them the match. He makes the promise at 7:13 in the following video.
Sure enough, Ninja is victorious. "Oh my god," laughs Drake. "I'm a man of my word, I got you," he says, "send me the info."
No word yet as to whether payment has gone through, but Drake does seem like a true Ninja-fan.
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