时间:2025-01-18 20:32:35 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
On Thanksgiving, when wine-drunk relatives fill kitchens with unsolicited cooking advice, hosts need
On Thanksgiving, when wine-drunk relatives fill kitchens with unsolicited cooking advice, hosts need a discreet way to call for turkey help.
So this November, Butterball's famous Turkey Talk-Line will offer support via text for the first time in its 35-year history.
SEE ALSO:Thanksgiving may no longer be ruined by Black Friday dealsA Butterball "Turkey Tutor" pictured in the company's 2002 "Ladies of the Talk-Line" calendar.Credit: PR NEWSWIRE/butterballFrom November 17 through Thanksgiving on November 24, a 24-hour text line will have experts on hand to answer the tough questions.
Essentially, if a home cook wakes in a cold sweat with a brining question that just cannot wait, an answer is just a text message away.
The text line is part of the company's "Butterball on Demand" roll-out, which also includes how-to videos that address common cooking questions, a "Butterball Cookbook Plus" app and continued support across its social channels.
The traditional talk line -- which debuted in November 1981 -- opens Tuesday and will take calls through December 24, in case your first run doesn't deter you from cooking a second turkey for Christmas.
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