您的当前位置:首页 >焦點 >【】Here are some of our favourites: 正文
时间:2025-03-01 00:59:51 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
We wouldn't blame you if you didn't realise there were working computers in these amazing creations.
We wouldn't blame you if you didn't realise there were working computers in these amazing creations. 。
Case modification, or case mods, can start with changes as simple as giving your computer case a new coat of paint -- or, as you'll see, get really complicated. 。
SEE ALSO:Redditor Builds Portable Laptop-Sized Xbox 360 Mod。Naturally, those exhibited at Computex, one of Taiwan's largest annual technology shows, did not hold back. 。
Naturally, those exhibited at Computex, one of Taiwan's largest annual technology shows, did not hold back. 。
Let's start off with one that needs no explanation.。
Build by modder Thermal Mike and Thermaltake's U.S. team, they actually sourced for original DK arcade logos for this Donkey Kong case.。
Taipei 101 。
What better way to represent Taiwan than with one of its famous icons?
Credit: yvette tan/mashable。
Credit: yvette tan/mashable。 Who doesn't love。Rocket League 。
? 。 "I spent about 290 hours working on this case mod, but on average they take me around 100 to 400 hours," Australian Stephen Hoad who worked on this mod told。Mashable 。
Mashable 。
Hoad, who only started modding 18 months ago, now mods full-time for a living.。
Supercarrier 。
The Taiwanese modder behind this crazily ambitious mod was actually inspired by the name of the motherboard, the ASRock Z270 Supercarrier.。
The Wheel of Star 。 Seriously, need we say more? Just look at it.。Yep, it 。
spins 。
. 。
We're told by a Cooler Master spokesperson that the PC case is fully functional, and equipped with a HDMI wireless transmitter, so it can still connect to devices -- despite being in that case.。
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