时间:2025-02-28 20:00:52 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
It seemed like Ken Bone left our lives as quickly as her entered. Bone came into his short moment of
It seemed like Ken Bone left our lives as quickly as her entered.
Bone came into his short moment of internet fame after posing a question at the second presidential debate, donning a bright red sweater. He embraced the newfound attention and did a bunch of interviews, only to be ripped apart by the same beast that created him after revealing his Reddit account history, which proved to be mildly controversial.
But with just a week left before the election, Bone has returned to show off his Halloween costume, which the internet promptly decided to send into a fierce Photoshop battle.
Like a true Redditor, Bone dressed for Halloween like ObiWan Kenboni, because Star Wars, and puns.
PsBattle: Obi one Kenboni
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