时间:2025-01-18 18:57:29 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
While the 2016 Rio Olympics has been filled with memorable victories by athletes of all genders, thi
While the 2016 Rio Olympics has been filled with memorable victories by athletes of all genders, this year's Games has also had its fair share of sexist moments.
A video by UltraViolet -- a national women's advocacy group known for conducting online campaigns to highlight women's issues such as violence, maternity leave and equal rights -- calls out the media for some of the blatant sexism that has been displayed thus far during the 2016 Olympics coverage.
SEE ALSO:The Rio Olympics coverage is rife with sexism and here's what needs to changeThe video compiled some of the most unbelievably sexist moments in Rio coverage, beginning with the Fox News segment in which host Tamara Holder explained, "female Olympians are sexing it up more than ever by wearing makeup..." before asking two male reporters to discuss their thoughts on the topic.
"Fun Fact: Olympians get gold for winning, not for looks."
UltraViolet went on to highlight other shockingly sexist moments such as when trap shooter and bronze medal winner, Corey Cogdell was referred to as "the wife of a Bears' lineman," the victory of Hungarian swimmer Katinka Hosszu -- who set a new impressive world record in the women's 400-meter individual medley -- was credited to her husband and coach, when Venus and Serena Williams were completely overlooked for winning any gold medals in tennis, and more.
You can check out the minute-long video filled with live media burns here:
In addition to the video, UltraViolet also published a piece on Medium, entitled "Women Are Kicking Ass at the Olympics. The Media? Not So Much."
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