时间:2025-03-07 10:12:40 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Word to the social media wise: Not every topical segue is a smart one. Some are just wrong, and oddl
Word to the social media wise: Not every topical segue is a smart one. Some are just wrong, and oddly classist.
Australian real estate publication Domain.com.au published a story Thursday that raised the notion that Donald Trump's presidential win would be a good thing for local mansion owners. Retribution was swift and vicious.
SEE ALSO:Fake Australian Government Twitter is having an #ElectionNight field dayThe gist of the now-amended piece is that Australia's luxury properties "do well in times of global uncertainty" and hooray, rich people can buy other rich people's houses now.
That tweet @domaincomau has now deleted pic.twitter.com/q6dgtQEafa
— Asher Wolf (@Asher_Wolf) November 10, 2016
The story, but especially the accompanying tweet, was met with the Twitter equivalent of a huge, collective eye-roll.
Detractors expressed everything from confusion, to annoyance, to disbelief.
Are you kidding me. You craven shills. pic.twitter.com/NiFGhVicry
— michael hing (@hingers) November 10, 2016
Tweet may have been deleted
@Domaincomau fire you social media team
— Ben Rowe (@benhyphenrowe) November 10, 2016
@Domaincomau how out of touch are you? Grotesque
— Dame Rhiannon Pickup (@RhiannonAlexis) November 10, 2016
@burgerdrome @Domaincomau hoooooooly shit. this is one of those things you think in the privacy of your head and NEVER SAY OUT LOUD
— Dakoda Barker (@JiroJames) November 10, 2016
The company responded to their most prominent detractors with template tweets, citing a realisation that the original tweet and headline were "inappropriate."
Thank you for your feedback on our earlier tweet. We agree the tone of the headline was inappropriate and it has since been amended.
— Domain (@Domaincomau) November 10, 2016
The original headline still appears on Google when searched, of course.
We've said it before and we'll say it again. The internet is forever.
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