时间:2025-01-18 20:28:40 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Tired of being limited to just text, photos, and videos when you're posting to Facebook?Good news! T
Tired of being limited to just text, photos, and videos when you're posting to Facebook?
Good news! The social media giant just announced "3D Posts," a new type of News Feed post that lets people create 3D objects, then post them directly to Facebook. All Facebook users will be able to view and interact with the 3D objects — even without a VR headset.
CARD ID: 276510
Facebook showed off several examples of 3D posts at its Oculus Connect 4 conference on Wednesday.
The update will allow developers to create 3D objects in either Oculus Medium or Facebook Spaces and then share them to the News Feed.
For example, you could post a 3D van and then people can rotate their phone in different directions to view it from all angles. Additionally, you could swipe on things like the van's door to open it.
It's a neat gimmick, but will it have any lasting appeal? It really depends on whether developers make things to post to Facebook.
Credit: oculusHonestly, it sounds like a whole lot of work just for a single Facebook post — but it could ultimately serve as a neat way for Oculus developers to show off the things they're making. The new type of News Feed post also has the potential to expand VR's audience by letting people without a headset preview and play with some of the latest creations.
CARD ID: 276512
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