时间:2025-02-28 20:12:57 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
NEW YORK --。 Outlander。 has added two new cast members for its upcoming third season.。The Hobbit: Th
NEW YORK -- 。 Outlander。 has added two new cast members for its upcoming third season.。
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 。 actor John Bell has been tapped to play young Ian, who enters Jamie’s (Sam Heughan) world in the 18th century. 。
Wil Johnson, from。 Waking the Dead,will play Joe Abernathy, Claire's (Caitriona Balfe) friend who she meets in medical school.。
SEE ALSO:'Outlander' finale: Writer breaks down emotional scenes。
Bell tweeted his excitement about the news on Tuesday. 。
Wow... the outpour of love for #Outlander is incredible. Thank-you all, I can't wait to bring Young Ian to life! 💙🎉 https://t.co/lthNkectww 。
— John Bell (JohnBell) September 20, 2016 。
The third season of the Starz show, based on the popular Diana Gabaldon book series of the same name, will take place right after Claire return to her life in 1948. 。
Season 3, which is filming now in Scotland, debuts in 2017. 。Season 3, which is filming now in Scotland, debuts in 2017.。Teacher absolutely nails it with new homework policy2025-02-28 19:59
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