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时间:2024-11-22 02:09:37 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
The #OctoberSurprise excitement was dialed up to 10 on Tuesday as Donald Trump supporters eagerly aw
The #OctoberSurprise excitement was dialed up to 10 on Tuesday as Donald Trump supporters eagerly awaited a press conference put on by Wikileaks that was expected to deliver a devastating blow to the Hillary Clinton campaign. 。
Trump fans stayed up until early hours of the morning for the 3 a.m. start time. Journalists chugged coffee. 。
SEE ALSO:Wikileaks retracts Twitter poll speculating about Clinton's health。Then, nothing. Or, nothing more than what amounted to a two-hour Wikileaks hype-fest anyway.。
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People on Twitter began to make fun of the whole event as soon as it dawned on everyone that no major announcement was coming.。
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Some were making fun of #OctoberSurprise before it had even begun. 。
My sources tell me WikiLeaks' highly anticipated #OctoberSurprise is the release of a new Adele album. 。
— Frank Luntz (FrankLuntz) October 4, 2016。
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange did, however, say the surprise everyone had expected is still on its way.。
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