时间:2025-03-07 10:11:40 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
There's no new Gears of War game coming in 2018, but boy howdy is 2019 going to be a busy one for al
There's no new Gears of War game coming in 2018, but boy howdy is 2019 going to be a busy one for all of you fans.
The biggest revelation was, of course, Gears 5. The sequel to the 2016 follow-up from new Gears developer The Coalition picks up where the previous story left off, focusing on a sort of "next-generation" cast for the series.
SEE ALSO:All the best and biggest games from Xbox's E3 press conferenceIn a surprising twist, Gears 5makes Kait a central character. (Yes, a woman will star in this Gears of War game. No, that's not a bad thing.) It's not fully clear what the new game is about, but it does let you wield a large, seemingly verydestructive melee weapon.
Check out our first glimpse of Gears 5gameplay in the trailer below.
Next up is Gears Tactics.
This turn-based strategy game seems to take a page from Microsoft's past success with the Halo-themed Halo Warsstrategy games. Honestly, it looks a little like XCOM-meets-Gears, which is no doubt what Microsoft is going for.
Finally, alsocoming in 2019 is Gears POP!
We know very little about the game itself based on what was shown in the brief teaser. It's based on the Funko toy brand's POP! line of action figures. You know the ones. They're super collectible and they have oversized, squarish heads.
The teaser makes it clear that this is a mobile game, with logos for the iOS App Store and Google Play both. And we know the game is supposed to be coming in 2019. But that's it in terms of information.
That said, you should still watch the teaser. POP! Marcus Fenix is adorable.
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