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时间:2025-03-18 05:24:11 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
"If it seems to be too good to be true, it probably is."。The Bangor, Maine, Police Department gave s
"If it seems to be too good to be true, it probably is."。
The Bangor, Maine, Police Department gave some spot-on advice to local men who may fall victim to an internet scam that's been going around recently. 。
According to the cops, the scam starts on Facebook when a person receives a friend request from a random attractive female. Once the request is approved, the woman engages in conversation and when things get sexual, the woman asks the man to "do things" in front of his camera.。
You can probably see where there is heading (especially if you saw that one episode of 。 You can probably see where there is heading (especially if you saw that one episode of 。Black Mirror。
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"Being the genius that you are, you tell her, 'no' and that you are not going to pay 'her,'" the Bangor police wrote on Facebook. "Shortly thereafter the revenge takes place when the 'lovely lady' turned 'scorned vixen' uploads your new found fame to many, many of your Facebook friends. You know, the real ones." 。
While it may not be a very original scam, the Bangor Police gave some spot on advice if you ever find yourself with a random friend request from a sexy person you don't know. The Bangor Police limited their post to just men, but everyone should follow similar advice when friending strangers.。
If this happens, follow these simple tips.1. Go to the closest mirror.2. Look at yourself.3. Give yourself an honest review and realize that there is no reason in the world that an attractive lady from the Philippines wants to be your friend.4. Return to the computer and delete the friend request.5. Continue looking at lawnmowers, motorcycles and jacked up trucks that are for sale in your region of the country.6. Realize that you just saved yourself from showing the world what no one really needs to see, and a whole lot of cash. 。
The cops also reminded the public that there is no "repair kit" for this sort of scam. 。
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