时间:2025-01-18 16:55:58 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Say what you want about dachshunds, but those little dogs make fantastic hockey players.SEE ALSO:Maj
Say what you want about dachshunds, but those little dogs make fantastic hockey players.
SEE ALSO:Majestic dachshund named Skeeter flies with help from industrial fanWe're not sure if its their quick reflexes, their unwavering focus on the puck or just their adorable little faces. Whatever it is, we can't get enough of dachshunds playing hockey, especially Crusoe in the video below as he practices his superb hockey skills.
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They say you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take. What they don't say is that Crusoe is here to block the shots you do end up taking. Nothing gets past his little legs.
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