时间:2025-01-18 17:57:33 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Forget, for a moment, about Michael Phelps. Forget about his 21 Olympic golds, his punishing #Phelps
Forget, for a moment, about Michael Phelps.
Forget about his 21 Olympic golds, his punishing #PhelpsFace, his rivalry with Chad le Clos and instead turn your attention to his true greatest accomplishment: Boomer Phelps.
SEE ALSO:Michael Phelps rips swim cap during race, still leads U.S. to goldPhelps and his fiancée Nicole Johnson have already started grooming Boomer for a lifetime of stardom. Despite the fact that he is 4-months-old, his personal Instagram account has 200,000 followers and counting.
But Boomer's career highlight -- sartorially speaking -- came this week as he sat poolside at the 2016 Rio Olympics wearing a pair of exceptionally large protective earmuffs. Expect to see these on all the babies this fall.
Credit: michael sohn/APCredit: michael sohn/APCredit: michael sohn/apHave something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.
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