时间:2025-01-18 18:50:29 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
If you're one of those freaks who don't think bungee jumping is enough excitement, perhaps being flu
If you're one of those freaks who don't think bungee jumping is enough excitement, perhaps being flung across a valley is more your jam.
The Nevis Catapult hurls willing participants 150 metres (164 yards) across the Nevis Valley near Queenstown, New Zealand, which you might know for its fair share of extreme sports.
SEE ALSO:Soothe your tired, internet-ravaged eyeballs with an ice-cold gel maskIf you're up for it, you can experience up to 3g of force, and fly at speeds of almost 100 kilometres per hour (62 miles per hour) in 1.5 seconds. While these are impressive numbers, the video of the whole thing speaks for itself.
Henry van Asch, co-founder of AJ Hackett Bungy New Zealand, revealed the Nevis Catapult on Wednesday after "years of playing around with the idea."
"It’s a pretty unique feeling, surprising even. There’s nothing else quite like it," he added.
The Nevis Catapult was a specially built design, then tested out-of-sight in Christchurch over the last nine months. Testing began with weighted barrels, before moving on to a test dummy phase, and then finally, brave humans.
Fun!Credit: James MorganGetting yourself launched at those speeds isn't cheap. The Nevis Catapult costs NZ$255 (US$176), and you'll need to be at least 13 years old to participate, plus weigh between 45 to 127 kilograms (99 to 279 lbs).
Oh, and make sure that you won't be chickening out.
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