时间:2025-03-09 10:48:47 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
LOS ANGELES -- Before Tuesday, the YouTuber community spent months rallying their fans to vote. Afte
LOS ANGELES -- Before Tuesday, the YouTuber community spent months rallying their fans to vote. After Tuesday, they were rallying fans just to carry on.
"For many of us the results of the election are devastating," John Green, author of Fault in Our Stars and half of the Vlogbrothers channel, said in a video (above). "Donald Trump has often attacked not what his opponents believe but who they are ... it is painful and scary to be called dangerous and less than by a man who becomes president elect of the United States ... I'm sorry we have let our political discourse become so hateful."
SEE ALSO:Hillary Clinton enlists GloZell, Todrick Hall to encourage fans to voteJohn Green and brother Hank — who began their successful YouTube channel Vlogbrothers in 2007 — were among those hoping to invigorate their audience through online video. The two launched a series called "How to Vote in Every State."
Hank, who is on paternity leave, also spoke up on Twitter.
I feel this so hard. I watched this happen and could do nothing. https://t.co/8BdQkVc3w7
— Hank Green (@hankgreen) November 9, 2016
Their reactions come after months of outreach between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and the community of internet creators.
Earlier this year, Clinton held a Digital Content Creators Town Hall in Hollywood, where participants including Swoozie, Jennxpenn and Cassey Ho — asked the Secretary of State questions on a variety of topics including immigration, education and climate change.
Last month, digital content studio Portal A — in partnership with the Hillary for America presidential campaign — launched an innovative, YouTube-focused video series designed to target millennial voters in key swing states: Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Todrick Hall, Glozell Green and Sam Tsui were tapped to kick off the ad campaign, called "One Vote At a Time."
Their calls for left them to do what they do best: share how they feel on social media.
Here's what other creators -- including -- Tyler Oakley, The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur, PewDiePie, Gigi Gorgeous, Phil DeFranco, Hannah Hart -- had to say.
if you wish you had done more to stop trump, remember how tonight feels. brand it into your memory, & during the next election, GET TO WORK.
— Tyler Oakley (@tyleroakley) November 9, 2016
I'm drunk now. Also I'm wondering what Bernie Sanders and Jeb Bush are thinking right now. #ElectionNight
— Philip DeFranco (@PhillyD) November 9, 2016
— Gigi (@TheGigiGorgeous) November 9, 2016
i'm surprised everyone is so surprised
— Casey Neistat (@CaseyNeistat) November 9, 2016
Brexit, amirite?
— pewdiepie (@pewdiepie) November 9, 2016
to fellow ladies & LGBT folks, POC, immigrants, and muslims scared for their future: you are loved. you are not alone. we. will. fight this.
— Laci Green (@gogreen18) November 9, 2016
If you voted for Gary Johnson, then you voted for Donald Trump.
— Hannah Hart (@harto) November 9, 2016
TopicsYouTubeDonald TrumpElectionsPolitics
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