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时间:2025-03-07 10:34:04 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
It's a weird shape to mold chocolate into.。38beem, a Japanese Twitter user -- in an effort to make a
It's a weird shape to mold chocolate into. 。
38beem, a Japanese Twitter user -- in an effort to make a chocolatey gift for Valentine's Day -- created what seems to be a manhole cover set into a sidewalk out of chocolate. 。
SEE ALSO:Japanese engineers repaired this monster of a sinkhole in 48 hours。SEE ALSO:Japanese engineers repaired this monster of a sinkhole in 48 hours 。
He documented the process on Twitter: 。
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First, he produced a silicone mold for the manhole cover, then filled it with chocolate.。
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The chocolate manhole is 1/6th the size of the real thing, according to 38beem. 38beem used cocoa powder to simulate rust.。
Nobody really knows why he's created a manhole cover as a Valentine's Day gift, though. 38beem's attempt to channel April O'Neil has appealed to some people, but others couldn't get past its absurdity.。
"How do you feel if you get it as Valentine's Day chocolate?
[h/t RocketNews24] 。
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