时间:2025-03-07 10:59:58 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Who needs licensed social workers and prescription Xanax when you can have therapy pigs?Meet LiLou,
Who needs licensed social workers and prescription Xanax when you can have therapy pigs?
Meet LiLou, the groundbreaking Juliana pig who now freelances at the San Francisco International Airport. LiLou joins a diverse team of therapy animals at the airport, there to soothe anxious passengers. She is believed to be the first pig in the country to take on this kind of role.
SEE ALSO:Dog's new haircut bears strong resemblance to '90s Justin TimberlakeThe team, known as the "Wag Brigade," was formed approximately three years ago. It includes approximately 300 animals who work diligently to sit and look cute as panicked passengers pet their way to oblivion.
#Lilou is here!!! pic.twitter.com/AP4rVWmaE3
— flySFO (@flySFO) December 5, 2016
The animals, who are trained by the San Francisco SPCA and are certified to be Animal Assisted Therapy Animals, even wear giant vests that say "Pet Me" on them so that they can be easily identified. If you thought a giant pig was cute, wait 'til you see a pig in a "Pet Me" vest.
#Lilou the pig made her debut today as the newest member of the #SFO wagbrigade. @sfspca pic.twitter.com/MKcU1khvOY
— flySFO (@flySFO) December 5, 2016
Animals who participate in the program must meet rigorous standards, including a commitment to diversity, according to the San Francisco SPCA: "Pets must be interested in and eager to approach people and accept handling, regardless of the person’s age, gender, race, size, mobility equipment usage and apparel."
Pigs can't fly, but they can make you feel better about it.
Meet LiLou! This therapy pig is the newest member of our #WagBrigade team at #SFO. Keep an eye out next time you’re at the airport! #SFSPCA
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