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时间:2025-03-26 04:48:19 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
The Olympics aren't meant to be a place for political expression -- the International Olympic Commit
The Olympics aren't meant to be a place for political expression -- the International Olympic Committee (IOC) makes that abundantly clear. 。
However, as the events have progressed over the last week and a half, many people have managed to get their messages across. 。
SEE ALSO:This springboard bellyflop is the real highlight of the Rio Olympics。At a volleyball match on Sunday, one damning slogan made it into the crowd. "Let Iranian women into the stadiums," Darya Safai's sign said, referencing the fact that women have mostly been banned from all-male sports events in the country since 1979's Islamic Revolution. 。
Security teams attempted to remove her during the Egypt vs. Iran preliminary, but she refused to leave and spent the whole game holding up the sign, the BBC reports. She plans to be at every Iran match.。
"It hurts to explain again and again that this peaceful action is not a political message, but a positive message of peace and human rights," Safai said.。
Another message that's been seen frequently during the games is "Fora Temer," or "Out With Temer," a reference to Brazil's interim president, Michel Temer.。
Temer has been in power in Brazil since the previous president, Dilma Rousseff, was stripped of her duties and subjected to an impeachment trial less that halfway through her elected mandate in May.。
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Rousseff was re-elected less than two years ago and enjoyed approval ratings of 80 percent before her triumph, but has since been mired in the ongoing trial, which she refers to as a "coup."。
View this post on Instagram。 The people holding the anti-Temer banners are also angry at his government's initiatives to loosen labor laws and reform the pension system, the。Buenos Aires Herald。
Buenos Aires Herald。
A video posted by Maria Janaína (terceiramaria) on。
A video posted by Maria Janaína (terceiramaria) on。
Primeiramente, #ForaTemer #rio2016 #olimpiadas2016年 #ArenaCorinthians 。
#foratemer 。
A photo posted by Fabio Yamaji (yamaggio) on。
A gente prestigia as mina e dá uma força pra mulher que conquistou o cargo mais importante do país. Temer jamais! Sem espaço pra misoginia e machismo, no campo ou no Planalto 👊🏼 #rio2016 #olympics #temerjamais #foratemer #stopcoupinbrazil #ocupaolimpiada 。
A photo posted by Marina (marina_ssouza) on。
Aug 10, 2016 at 7:34pm PDT。
Some of the spectators were initially ejected but a judge has since ruled that peaceful political protests should be allowed. Their removal from the games was an infringement of their freedom of expression, Judge Joao Augusto Carneiro Araujo said.。
On Sunday, several protestors also broke through barriers to try and disrupt the women's marathon.。
A National Force soldier keeps watch as runners pass anti-impeachment protestors in the Women's MarathonCredit: Mario Tama/Getty Images。
The next day, protestors took to the streets to speak out about "rape culture" in Brazil and some sexual attacks that have allegedly taken place in the Olympic Village.。
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