时间:2025-03-09 10:39:19 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Now you can decide for yourself whether Melania Trump ripped off Michelle Obama's speech during the
Now you can decide for yourself whether Melania Trump ripped off Michelle Obama's speech during the first night of the Republican National Convention. There are multiple videos doing the round online that show the two speeches cut side-by-side, comparing Obama's address at the Democratic National Convention in 2008 and Trump's from Monday night.
SEE ALSO:Melania Trump accused of plagiarizing Michelle Obama speech, Rickrolling AmericaThe similarities are hard to deny, yet Trump's camp said the claims are ludicrous.
"To think that she would do something like that knowing how scrutinized her speech was going to be last night is just really absurd," Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort told CNN.
It followed a statement late Monday night by the Trump camp, making it clear a team of writers penned her opening night speech.
Trump campaign issues statement: pic.twitter.com/zgfOMmgGr3
— Robert Costa (@costareports) July 19, 2016
The similarities were first spotted by journalist Jarret Hill, who tweeted out the accusation to the enthralled masses. The people of America then set on getting to the bottom of the alleged plagiarism scandal.
Tweet may have been deleted
Many people, however, are convinced the real scandal is that whoever wrote the speech slipped a little Rickroll into the copy. Five bonus points.
But to reiterate (and to paraphrase @tvoti), the real speechwriter's scandal here is this ACTUAL RICKROLL?!?!?!?!?! pic.twitter.com/eSuFbbVs43
— mr. sonia (@soniasaraiya) July 19, 2016
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TopicsMichelle ObamaMelania Trump
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