时间:2025-01-18 14:51:38 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Hillary Clinton pushed back against plenty of Donald Trump's statements during the debate.She also e
Hillary Clinton pushed back against plenty of Donald Trump's statements during the debate.
She also enlisted her website to help out.
For the debate, www.hillaryclinton.com became a real-time fact checker to push back against things Trump said.
Credit: www.hillaryclinton.comThe page features a search bar at the top along with major topics that can be clicked on to see various statements that Trump has made.
Clinton brought up the website early in the debate, asking viewers to go to the website to follow along during the debate. She also called on "the fact checkers" several times during the debate.
The role of the moderator, NBC's Lester Holt, had been the subject of widespread speculation -- particularly with regard to his responsibility as a fact checker. It was expected by many that Holt would allow the candidates to spar with little interruption, which turned out to be largely true.
Several news sites boasted about extra efforts dedicated to fact checking the debate. The New York Timeshad 18 fact checkers and Bloomberg had a live fact checking stream on screen as it broadcast the debate.
Trump also recommended people visit his website, which was also altered for the website, albeit a little less dramatically.
Trump's is sporting a "Trump vs Clinton" banner along with a call to contribute to his campaign.
Credit: www.donaldjtrump.comTopicsDonald TrumpElectionsHillary ClintonPolitics
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