时间:2024-11-23 16:21:51 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
What pairs better with coffee than milk or sugar... or aromatic leaves? An unfortunate customer post
What pairs better with coffee than milk or sugar... or aromatic leaves?
An unfortunate customer posted this image on reddit after ordering a coffee with Baileys and was obviously misheard by the staff. 。
SEE ALSO:Here's why drinkers should hit the gym 。Credit: Rios93 。The thirsty customer obviously wanted Baileys, the sweet liqueur that is famously used in coffee drinks. They probably did not want。 bay leaves。. 。
Thanks for signing up!。
Unfortunately, this destitute coffee drinker was given small cup of the dried leaves, because nothing spices up your coffee quite literally like a side of dried poultry seasoning.。
Next time, the customer should be more specific. 。Next time, the customer should be more specific. 。Visualizing July's astounding global temperature records2024-11-23 15:58
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