时间:2025-03-09 23:03:13 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Union Station is a transit hub in the nation's capital, but on Monday night, it was briefly a porn h
Union Station is a transit hub in the nation's capital, but on Monday night, it was briefly a porn hub.
SEE ALSO:A traffic-stopping porn video took over a billboard for 5 minutesThe Washington Post spoke to a woman who posted a video of what appeared to be a PornHub video playing explicit content for a few minutes around 5:30 p.m. on a digital ad monitor. The woman has since removed the video and didn't want to give her name, worried it'd be forever associated with pornography.
But she said she was "pretty speechless" when the video switched to the porn.
"I mean, it was really explicit porn being shown on this huge screen and no one could turn it off,” she told the Washington Post.
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The Union Station Redevelopment Corporation told local radio station WMAL that the building developer was notified and shut down that particular video terminal.
It's unclear if this was a hack, a really embarrassing employee mistake, or a successful prank, but the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation CEO told WMAL, "They’re new directories, new technologies that they’ve been testing, and obviously they need to find out how this incident occurred."
It's unclear if this was a hack, a really embarrassing employee mistake, or a successful prank
We reached out to the developer about what happened Monday night, but haven't heard back yet.
The porn screening didn't last too long once a Roti restaurant employee came by and helped turn off the screen. An employee who answered the phone at the Union Station restaurant Tuesday afternoon said they weren't working Monday so they didn't have more information about what went down.
Over on Twitter, everyone couldn't get over that a normally mundane, regular train station got some action.
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This was definitely not your average commute.
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