时间:2025-01-18 20:29:14 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Using your finger to swipe right on the endless choices offered by Tinder can be。 exhausting。.。 Than
Using your finger to swipe right on the endless choices offered by Tinder can be 。 exhausting 。. 。
Thank goodness, relief is here ... thanks to a fidget spinner? Yes, that's right. Someone has figured out how to employ one of the now ubiquitous gadgets to do the job for you. It's pretty simple, really. You just hover the spinner over your screen and let the swiping begin.。
SEE ALSO:Sex-positive YouTubers are giving kids the sex talks we wish we'd had 。It was created by Holden Ellis, a 22-year old from Virginia, who said he was inspired one day while bored on Tinder and "chewing on the spinner." He decided to see what happened, and it turns out the silicone reacted with his phone. Voila! The hack was born.。 The hack was born.。
Fidget spinners are all the rage -- they’ve been the subject of countless dog videos, a rap song, and even nail art. So it’s not surprising that they’re making their way into our dating lives. Still, while it's ultra efficient, this kind of firehose approach to finding love is only so useful. There’s really nothing like being swiped by a fidget spinner to make a girl feel special.。
Still, these gadgets are supposed to be all about stress relief, so do bear in mind if dating apps have got you down, this same trick can also be used to do a massive swipe left.。
Credit: reddit 。Someone drilled a hole in an iPhone to make a fidget spinner because... the internet 。
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