时间:2025-03-01 00:28:35 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Well, it looks like the 2016 presidential election, like many elections before it, will feature anot
Well, it looks like the 2016 presidential election, like many elections before it, will feature another close race in Florida.
The internet is having a collective fever-induced flashback to the 2000 election that's leading many to lash out in anger at the state. In an inspiring Election Day bipartisan moment, the people of America are joining together to tell Florida, "Get your shit together."
Florida, don't take this the wrong way. We wouldn't be so hard on you if you'd just get organized.
"I'll invite him but she's always so effin dramatic". -The other 49 states about Florida.
— Jesse Tyler Ferguson (@jessetyler) November 9, 2016
Just think, some people voting this year were born in 1998 and don't understand why close Florida races make people lose their minds
— Dylan Matthews (@dylanmatt) November 9, 2016
Dear Florida,
— Kodi Gaddis (@KodiGaddis) November 9, 2016
Please get your shit together.
-America. #ElectionNight
— elena (@elena_yip) November 9, 2016
Can we offer Trump a truce and let him be President of Florida
— Ira Madison III (@ira) November 9, 2016
Florida looking poised to assert its status as America’s wang once again.
— Gary Whitta (@garywhitta) November 9, 2016
Florida's current mood pic.twitter.com/JubBR3vFMH
— Joe Gilmore (@Gilology) November 9, 2016
Just heard the words “Florida” and “mandatory recount” in the same sentence. May God have mercy on us all...
— Freddie Campion (@FreddieCampion) November 9, 2016
Florida can go to hell for making us all care this much about it
— THE LEGO BRO DUDE (@ironghazi) November 9, 2016
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