时间:2025-01-18 20:05:13 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Gazing at cat GIFs is just the thing to cure a mind tired and embittered by the avalanche of Donald
Gazing at cat GIFs is just the thing to cure a mind tired and embittered by the avalanche of Donald Trump news in recent weeks. Just ask Hillary Clinton. 。
"There's hardly any part of America he has not targeted. It makes you want to turn off the news," she told supporters at a fundraiser in San Francisco. "It makes you want to unplug the internet or just look at cat GIFs."。
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But there's more. Clinton went on to say she copes by watching cats doing "things."。
"Believe me, I get it. In the last few weeks, I've watched a lot of cats do a lot of weird and interesting things," she said. "But we have a job to do and it'll be good for people and for cats." 。
Maybe the Democratic nominee was hoping the millennial-friendly joke would get her some votes. Or maybe Clinton really is just cooling off after a hard day with a cat GIF like the rest of us.。It's less than a month until Election Day, so there will be plenty more cat GIFs to watch. Here are a few to soothe your mind in the meantime. 。Via Giphy 。Via Giphy。Via Giphy。Via Giphy 。
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