时间:2025-01-18 18:45:23 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Tuesday was not a great day to fly. At airports across the country, passengers from several airlines
Tuesday was not a great day to fly.
At airports across the country, passengers from several airlines complained about long delays due to computer outages.
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On Twitter, passengers stuck in line at JFK, Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, and others vented ... mostly at their airlines, who pointed it out it wasn't their fault.
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It turns out Sabre, which provides reservation, check-in, and other services to 225 airlines, was to blame.
SEE ALSO:Facial recognition coming to U.S. airports by 2021"Earlier today Sabre experienced a system issue that impacted some customers," a company spokesperson told Mashable. "Technical teams were immediately engaged. Customers are reporting normal operations. We apologize for this inconvenience to those affected."
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Oh, and if you’re wondering, “Sabre … Where have I heard that name before?,” it’s probably from the time the company disclosed a major breach of payment and customer data from its reservation system that served more than 32,000 hotels.
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